Why Is Trump Winning?


By Lucas Webb

In my opinion, the real reason Trump is winning is because we Americans must secretly love this type of personality. To prove my point, go back to your high school days for a moment…(I’ll wait).. remember voting for your class president? Why on earth did you vote for the head cheerleader or the most popular jock in your school over that nerdy guy/gal who really wanted to get something positive done for your school? But we all know the way we voted. Sadly to say, this seems to be the very same mindset driving most of our elections today. Are we to say even an election as important as the Presidential Election boils down to being nothing more than a simple high school popularity contest? Hopefully not–So why is Trump winning?

I feel it’s as simple as this–Trump is winning because Americans love to dream we’re like him. Deep down we must think these attributes are electable because these are the very same attributes we wish in ourselves. Ted Cruz might be qualified, might know his stuff, but he looks, sounds, and acts like that uncool kid you didn’t vote for back in school. Rubio Looks like the freshman who hasn’t paid his dues yet, but still strives to dethrone the most popular senior in class and dare I say, Hillary seems to be like a homecoming queen candidate who goes around befriending all the unpopular kids which she never seemed to care about before they had a vote. Do your remember those? (Yes, I know I’m being very general here, but the truth hurts when you really think about it.)Ask yourself, do you really know Trump’s tax plan or how improbable it will be to build a 2000 mile wall? Did you know Cruz’s, Jeb’s, Hillary’s, Bernie’s, Rubio’s, or even Carson’s plans? Chances are we don’t. The majority of us never take the time to do our homework. So what standard are we holding candidates to? I fear, we so often vote based on one simple thing—Which one of them looks presidential. Then that begs the question what is a President supposed to look like? Would the average American Trump voter admit that Donald Trump is winning because he looks like the most popular kid in school the race (A.K.A. Presidential)? I know he has other attributes as well as negatives but in a nutshell (no pun intended) does this race boil down to a simple “which kid is the coolest” contest? Or is it deeper than that? Are we voting for Trump because he has the right plans for America or his policies will make our own personal lives better going forward? Or is it because Trump has made billions like we dream of making; flies in his own private jet like we wish to do someday, sleeps with women we can only dream of getting? In short, I hate to say it, but I think the latter statement is true– We The People seem to only vote for who we really want to be ourselves; whether it be Trump or the Head Cheerleader from school and that “type” of person will always end up winning any election they enter.Just my own opinion. Love to hear your thoughts.

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